Thursday, August 8, 2013

Zion National Park

Monday morning we drove to Zion Park. All visitors to the park had to leave the car at the visitor center and take a shuttle. The shuttle goes by every few minutes and stops at designated view points. So we just hop off, spend as much or as little time as we wish and then hop on to the next shuttle.
We decided to go all the way to the end of the route and then on the way back, get off at each stop.
That worked out well as we got an idea of what we would be seeing.

Well, we spent a day in wondrous amazement - to think that a small river like the Virgin river (which seemed to be just a trickle) was responsible for the many canyons and weird looking eroded rocks! Of course, this small trickle can become a fast flowing river that can cause flash floods. So each day, the visitor center posts the threat level for flash floods and warn hikers about it.

Anyway, words cannot describe what I saw and experienced that day. The pics you see below are just a fraction of the photos I took.

 The virgin river - as you can see, it is quite shallow at this point.
 This leads to the Narrows: where the canyon narrows and leads to a trail popular with many hikers. I wanted to go up to at least the narrows. John was not up to it, and after walking half way there, I felt that it would take too long and decided to get back and join him.

 These are called the court of the patriarchs: named after Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac.
 The shuttle.
 Waiting for the shuttle.

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