Monday, August 26, 2013

Santa Fe, New Mexico

We arrived in Santa Fe from Mesa Verde on August 20th and have been here for the past week.
Finally, the evenings and nights have been cool and enjoyable.

Santa Fe is one of my favorite places and I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay here. Needless to say, the highlight was the visit to the OKeefe museum. We were fortunate to attend a docent lead tour of one of the gallery rooms. The guy was very good - after the introduction to her life, he chose 3 of her works and very skillfully lead the audience in an interactive discussion of these works.

We also visited many other museums, wandered around the downtown area and ate lots of southwestern food. John found a very good used book store and spent two afternoons there.

We also had dinner with my friend from my TUNL days who now works at Los Alamos and lives in Santa Fe.  (FYI: TUNL is the nuclear lab at Duke where I did my research for my PhD.) I had not seen Ron in over 25 years and it was so nice to spend an evening with him, Jane, and his two sons.

We leave Santa Fe tomorrow and will be heading back to Raleigh. Hope to be there sometime Friday.

Looking back, I feel that we have been dogged by issues on and off during this entire trip and that has tended to depress us at times. On the other hand,  this trip has been fabulous for all the beautiful places we visited and that is what will remain in my memory,

Adios for now!

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