Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bryce Canyon

The topography at Bryce is quite different from that at Zion. This is named after the Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce.
We had the option of taking the park shuttle or driving our own vehicle. We decided not to take the shuttle. That worked out well as we were able to go all the way to the end of the northern loop which the shuttle did not go to.
In many places the structures look like a city of spires and in other places they resemble the temples in South India. As the folks in Kerala would say: "It was zimbly amazing!!"
Again, I am lost for words and will just include some photos here.

All of the above are photos of scenes before getting into Bryce

These were all taken from an elevation of between 8500 and 9000 ft, looking down into the canyon.


This is known as a "natural bridge"

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