Monday, August 19, 2013

Grand Canyon, North Rim

10 August, 2013

It took us under 2 hours to get from Zion to Jacob Lake and the Kaibab CampeRVillage where we had reservations. The site is about 21 miles from the entrance to the Grand Canyon National Park and another 15 or so miles from the entrance to the visitor center. We were told to allow about an hour to get to the visitor center.

I was all gung ho about watching the sun rise (scheduled for 5:37 am)  and so convinced John that I would certainly be willing to get up at 4:00 am. All I got from him was a sound that was very much like a snort. Anyway, I set the alarm for 4:00 am, but when we checked the weather report, it called for overcast skies. So, of course I scrapped the idea of sunrise and instead, opted for sunset.

So we left the campsite a little before noon and got to the visitor center about 1:15 pm. We opted to do the two different scenic loops and were totally blown away by the beauty of it. We were very surprised to find that while there were a fair number of visitors, it was not at all like the south rim where (I am told) it was bumper to bumper with cars and tour buses and people falling over each other.

At 5:340 pm we managed to get seated for dinner at the Canyon Lodge (though we had no reservations and in spite of John giving the host a lecture about how Page is never spelled with an i as in Paige). We then sauntered over to the patio to listen to the Symphony of the Canyons by a group of musicians from the surrounding towns and witnessed the sun setting at about 7:25 pm. The play of light on the canyon rocks across from the western sky was too beautiful for words.

Driving back was quite an experience. It was pitch dark and just before we got out of the park, I very nearly brushed a bison that was at the very edge of the road. At least the rest of the herd were further away from the road. Then a few hundred yards later, the car in front of me stepped hard on his brakes and I saw the white rump of a big stag run past his front bumper and vanish into the dark. I was glad that he was ahead of me and the deer was safe.  
Saw these deer as we entered the park.



The Colorado River

Look at the natural window in the stone

We were at the highest point (about 8500 ft) on the north rim and looking down at this stone. At this scenic lookout some climbers had left a note asking any visitor who happens to be there to take a photo of them when they got to the top of this peak that you see in this picture. Unfortunately, when they go to this summit, no one at the lookout point had a camera. When John came on the scene with his telephoto lens, there was a unified cry from the bystanders that we were just a bit too late.

The Symphony on the lodge patio




Moon rise

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