Thursday, August 8, 2013

Onward to Utah

Wednesday,July 31
We are off to Vernal, Utah to see the old bones!
Driving into the area, I was not prepared for the beauty of the place. Entering Utah on highway 191, we passed through an area known as "Flaming Gorge" - a very apt name. The road wound in and out as we climbed one mountain and went down another through a series of switchbacks (or what I refer to as hairpin bends). So I was unable to pull over and use my camera. We did go back a few days later and got all the photos we wanted.
The whole area is a lesson in geology. The sides of the mountain show striking layers of the different geological periods. I later read (in the Field History Museum in Vernal) that hwy 191 passes through the precambrian rocks. Boggles the mind.



Driving through the park road to the camp site:

I enjoyed staying at Red Fleet State Park outside Vernal. Coming down 191, with all the mountains around us, it did not seem possible that there could be a State Park anywhere within a 100 miles. We did finally (after twice over shooting the entrance) find the road leading off the hwy. Nestled behind and among the mountains is lake and a state park. The evenings were beautiful as the setting sun created beautiful colorations (quite different from what we saw in the mornings) on the mountain slopes.
The first night we were there was a very clear night with bright stars from one end of the horizon to the other. What a great way to end a long drive - sit out below the starry sky with a drink and a nice conversation with our neighbors.
The second day, we had a Swiss family (parents and 3 kids) from Zurich pull in next to our site. We had a very nice evening with them - we helped them celebrate their national day by toasting marshmallows over the fire - a very american tradition. We exchanged contact info and hoped to visit each other someday.


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