Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mount Rushmore

We have seen so many photographs of this place, that one almost feels as if one has been there. But nothing prepares one for the sheer immensity of it.  It is very impressive.
Just two weeks before we left on this trip, we watched a PBS special on Mt. Rushmore, the sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his life. So it was nice to go through the site with that so fresh in mind.
I will not bore you with the usual pics; but I did get a few unusual ones with my small but reliable coolpix camera.
Good view from the road - on our way to the monument

Looking between the trees as we walked the trail
Mountain goat - all the visitors gawking at her did not faze her one bit
While walking around the trail that took us to the base of the carvings, we came across a small display of a native American village – two Tipis and several demonstration of canoe carving etc. One of the park rangers was using a knee-spindle to spin Bison fleece (see below). I was told that if I wanted some yarn from Boson fleece, I should be prepared to pay something like $60.00 per ounce. We chatted a while and she was very impressed that I recognized her other demo – embroidering with porcupine quills  (known as quill work).

We went back that night for the lighting of the statues. Enjoyed it very much in spite of the impending storm and lightning.

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