Thursday, January 13, 2011

Visit to the Desert Botanical Gardens

The Desert Botanical Gardens: We visited this place on a nice sunny day. It was warm enough to wander around without a jacket. The garden is huge and we were awed by the sheer variety of cacti ranging in height from a few inches to 20 ft. I can only imagine how beautiful this garden must be in the spring and fall when many of these plants would be in bloom. 
Knowing my penchant for flowering cacti, John watched me rather warily as I walked through the garden shop oohing and aahing at the manu small potted plants that were for sale. My better sense told me that the cats would have a hey day with them - especially Mowgli who loves to pull the leaves off my houseplants.

Here are a few (perhaps more than a few) photos. I am yet to figure out how to arrange photos more effectively or aesthetically.

Chihuly creation - at entrance to gradens

See how small the person looks!

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