Monday, January 10, 2011

Life at Pleasant Harbor

What are the facilities like here at Pleasant harbor?

This is a fair sized park with an inside unit that has full hookup (water, electric and sewer), an outside (that is my word for this section) unit that can accommodate transients or folks who are waiting to get into the main unit. In addition, there is a boat ramp, bait shop, boat and RV storage area, fuel and propane and a dumping station.

inside the main unit - packed like sardines!
The folks inside the main unit are either year round or seasonal snowbirds here to stay for anywhere from 4 to 5 months. So they have a lot of STUFF that “spills” out permanently outside of their RV. Given that the RVs are parked elbow to elbow, the place looks more like a trailer park rather than a “resort”.

One of many glorious sunsets
We are on the outside of the main unit very near the water. Initially we were a little disappointed, but on closer inspection of the lay of the land, we are very happy to be away from the crowd. For one thing, we see this incredible sunset every evening. Secondly, we have so much room around us – there are about 10 RVs in this outside area and we are quite spread out. So we are all by ourselves in this little cull-de-sac section. No noises that can scare Natasha!

While we have water and electrical hookup, we do not have sewer connections. When the gray and black water holding tanks get full, we drive over to the main dumping station and empty the tanks. This is a very smooth operation with no “yuk” aspects to it.

The resort has a pool, a clubhouse, and a small store. Nice showers as well that I use when I want to indulge in a long shower. There are lots of organized activities like Bunco (yes, Hazel, Bunco, but I have not participated in it) every Tuesday morning, Bingo one night a week, quilting on Wednesdays, craft on Thursdays, Men’s coffee every morning (John has of course stayed away from this), yoga and aerobics every morning. In addition, they have potlucks every now and then.

I tried the aerobics session one day and found that it was geared for people 80 and over or those who think they are 80 and older. I did not break a sweat the entire one hour I was there. So I have been attending the yoga session every morning from 7 am to 8 am instead. The leader is very good and I enjoy this very much.
I decided against the craft sessions as they do things like cutting up a purchased t-shirt and crocheting the cut edges. Sorry if I sound like a craft snob, but I cannot help it. I did attend one quilting session. It is an open session with folks working on their individual projects. It was raining that day and so I decided to not take my machine out there. Instead I took my knitting. It was nice to get together with other quilters, albeit all traditionalists. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Prab - thanks for the update. Have you taken any day trips yet to explore the area? We miss you! Haven't had coffee since you left - for one reason or another. Snow/ice here tonight. Be happy you're in sunny AZ!
    Miss you!
