Thursday, August 4, 2011

On our way to Canada, July 2011

Well, I have quite a bit of catching up to do to bring you all up-to-date re. our trip to Canada.
We left Raleigh about 10 days later than originally intended – nothing unusual for us – on Saturday July 22.  We covered good ground the first day and pulled into a Flying J truck stop just south of the New York State border in Winchester, PA.
But the day was not without excitement. We were driving along just after getting into Virginia on our way to Roanoke to get on to I-81. In a small town called Brosville, we found that the alarm had come on indicating a malfunction in the breaking system to the Toyota truck (that we were towing behind the RV).
May be he can ease the cable from under the AC unit where it got wedged

We could not see a gas station anywhere in site and so decided to pull into the parking lot of a church (Welcome Baptist Church to be precise). The driveway looped around the back. As John drove behind the church, we pulled down an electric wire that ran from the church to the fellowship hall. I saw sparks fly before we realized what had taken place.

To make a long story short: It took an hour and a half before we were on our way. In the meantime the State trooper, the EMS, and the folks from the fire station came and hung around as they had to wait for the utility company to take care of the wire that was now draped over the RV.
We also had to contend with an irate pastor. His attitude did not match the name of his church and he was rather rude to us.  Now it is in the hands of the insurance company.
No damage to our RV but the church will incur expenses to have the cable hooked back again.
Maybe the other side would be easier
No. He has to get on to the roof after all

Crossing the bridge to 1000 Islands - just south of the border

The second night saw us in Canada between Montreal and Quebec in a place called Biertheville. We ran into some locals who were going to the same lake northwest of Quebec city. Much to our disappointment we learned that there were no sites available in any of the provincial parks that we had hoped to visit. We spent the rest of the evening calling around until we found the one we are presently in. We have been in a camp ground called Le Martiniere in Levis, just across the St. Lawrence river from Quebec City since July 25.

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